March 29, 2012

Happy 3K!

As a writer.. in general.. I get excited when people read my stuff. I'd argue that generally I get more excited when people are reading my fiction work, but hey.. reaching 3K last night, pretty much made me the happiest person alive... To top it off.. I'm well over 3400 now, so please, don't stop! Keep coming back. I try to keep it updated, and I try not to bog you down with the boring crap.. so I hope you stay interested.

Today, aside from getting an outrageous number of views, I've also learned, that I suck at accepting failure. I stayed up until nearly 4am studying for an 8am exam.. and I know they always suggest you get a good night's sleep prior to big tests.. but man, when you don't know something that's half the content.. you better stay up and try to get a handle on the information. But then, you run the risk of waking up late, losing it all when you pick up your pencil, fighting tears while trying to fill in bubbles and accurately represent the major ocean currents and wind belts, and leaving the exam with full intent of spending all day in bed watching reruns of How I Met Your Mother.

Today, I did all of those things. Except the last one.. I didn't intend to watch reruns all day... I was going to go back to bed.. which I did.. and then one quick episode turned into 19 episodes of Season 7. They've been.. wait for it.... LEGEND---ARY. (reference).

Things I've learned from today:
1. Ocean currents and wind belts SUCK.
2. I should have watched the case study videos-- though I was able to BS those essays...
3. I can't make dirty jokes towards my best friend.. or certain ones.. (long story)
4. There most definitely IS a proper response to, "Babe, Honest question... would you date a stripper?"
5. My boyfriend knows it. (high five)
6. I am lazy.
7. Finding this picture reminded me that I liked my bangs.. but should NEVER do them again.
8. I love blue Kool-aid Bursts.

Things you probably didn't have to know but I shared anyways?
.... technically all of the above.. but specifically 4 and 5.

Happy 3 K (almost 4) EVERYBODY!! I'm excited that you keep coming back-- don't stop!


Also!! I'm running a 5K in just under a month.. Woot! Thanks for helping me do what I want.. I'm excited I get to "sing out" if I want to :)

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