March 4, 2012

Hot Chocolate, Hippos and Dinos.

Sometimes I feel like a five year old stuck in an 18 year old's body. For example, currently I'm wrapped in my dinosaur tie blanket, with my head on my hippo pillow pet and drinking some hot cocoa. That's right folks, this means, it's Sunday. We've made it to the start of yet another week. If you're keeping track, it's week 7 of Semester 2. I think.. maybe it's 8. Crap. I used to be keeping track.

This week seems a bit crazy, my to-do list is longer than it has been in weeks, and I have to say, it's not making me want to move from my cozy blanket and hippo... because that means I should get started on the week.

This week I have 2 essays due, I have exams in: Environmental Science, Life and Death of the Dinosaurs, Geography of World Religions, and American Politics. Then, I have readings due for about every single class.. which seems more daunting than the exams.

Now, I'm done complaining, because it's college! There's supposed to be work involved. I don't wish to skip forward to next week, because as exciting as Spring Break is, I don't want to wish away any of this time while I'm a freshman. This is our time to explore, to learn from our mistakes and to grow. I don't want to wish away any of that time. I don't want to wish away the time it takes to build myself for the future. I'm a sculpture and I'm not done yet. I still have rugged edges to smooth out, and I'm not ready to just sand them down and call it good. I need to wear them down by living and learning from this time.

I have to say, lately I've been getting frustrated with people wishing away our year by asking for summer, or break, or next year, because as difficult as this year is, it's our time to grow. So, if you are reading this because you're a friend, or maybe just as a random person, take this as my advice for the day, appreciate your time now, because you're creating who you will be in the coming years, and nothing is more sad than cutting yourself short. Take your time, slow down, and create someone beautiful.

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