April 11, 2012

The Battle of the Broken Can Opener...

Good Evening Friends and Readers!

Tonight I spent about 30 minutes wrestling with my broken can opener to open Spaghettios for my dinner..
Now, there are three possibly stupid things with this statement..
1. 30 minutes....
3. Spaghettios

1. Yes, I spent 30 Minutes because I was really hungry and determined to conquer the stupid can opener.
2. Broken... Why don't I buy a new one? ... because I'm a broke college kid who has 5 weeks left (and counting) in their first year in school... why on EARTH would I buy a new one when I'm going home soon.. where there's a not-broken one, AND an electric one.. 
3. Spaghettios. Worth it? Definitely. Everyone loves to relive their childhood in a bowl of squishy O shaped noodles doused in some tomato-ey sauce. Less worth it when every bite burned a different part of my mouth.. but totally delicious and satisfying to my hungry belly. 

Anything else special happen today? 

Professor Pine moved a paper to Friday that was due today.. which is GREAT because I definitely hadn't started yet... oops.

I got to see my boyfriend! Always a plus. 

I got Mine-craft.. A nerdy game where I get to build stuff... Don't judge. I'm in college.. I'm stressed... and it'll help de-stress me a bit. 

I left my pink camel-back at home.. so I now don't have a water bottle. I've been debating buying a UMD water bottle.. because I don't want to spend money on individual bottles, and I don't want to waste the plastic. 

Good News:
My African Violet is coming back to life... funny how that happens when you water your plants... (oops)
I'm being productive today! Time to get back to work!

Happy Wednesday!


1 comment:

  1. Its going to survive after all? =D This is good.
