November 28, 2013

Gobble Gobble Gobble

My three year old niece is wandering around the living room singing some random song-- probably her rendition of a song from one of her many favorite princess movies. My four month old nephew is napping peacefully in the nursery/office. My other niece is off with her dad's side of the family this year for Thanksgiving.

My oldest sister is laying on the floor scouring the coupons and deals that will begin later this even while her husband talks angrily to the Packers defensive line. My middle sister is with her significant other's family. My mom and dad are reclining, drinking their coffee and watching the game.

While I may not be very thankful for the screaming and crying and excited yelling that comes with spending football afternoons with my family, I am very grateful for my family. I love these quieter moments, when I can truly embrace and appreciate everything they are, and everything they do for me.

On this wonderful Thanksgiving day, I am fortunate enough to have today off. I am not fortunate enough this year to be off on Christmas or Christmas Eve.

I work with many people who are vehemently against retail stores being open on Holidays and even more livid about the people who shop on these holidays. I have worked in retail, fast food, and entertainment industries. I have always been required to work on at least one Holiday, and I have been happy to do so.

Whether you are coming to my store because you are on your way to a family gathering, or because you want to treat yourself on a day you'd otherwise spend alone, I am happy to serve you on Holidays, even if it means I am not home with my family. Thanksgiving is a day to be grateful, not a day to be cursing other people for just wanting a special treat. Black Friday has been turned into a chaotic day of shopping-- while it doesn't really make sense to spend a day being thankful only to then go race the crowds to buy more stuff, it is the world we live in. Our economy sucks, and people are trying to get the best deals. Truthfully, I don't blame the shoppers. I blame the stores who put such limits on their deals. Even then, during the Holidays, you won't find me complaining about all the people who come in to buy a cup of coffee. You'll find me sincerely wishing them a happy season.

Happy Thanksgiving.

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