March 11, 2014

Broken Up not Broken

Thank you Facebook. Just kidding. I kind of dislike Facebook today. Well, today is okay. Yesterday. Facebook has this lousy habit of telling people your business.. like when your relationship status changes before you have a chance to make it private... so your phone starts blasting with messages from all the people who you don't ACTUALLY want to talk to about your break up. I don't mean to sound rude, but really.. fifty messages asking if you're okay or if you need to/want to talk aren't what you want when something happens.

However, for the people I ignored and deleted messages from.. I'm okay. In fact, I think I can actually say that I'm okay and mean it. I'm sad, yes. But I'm happy that we ended as friends and not in a huge fight screaming. I'm glad we didn't lose our almost- 5 years of being friends.

That being said, No. I don't want to talk. But, I'm not broken. My relationship with J wasn't my whole life. I have a job, I have school, I have friends (most of them are long distance friends.. but still). I am a person.. I have always been a person, an individual person outside of being a girlfriend. I'm sad, because I care so very much about him, but really it wasn't his decision. It was mutual. Honestly. We both saw it coming, we both knew things had been off for quite awhile. It was just a matter of finally admitting it and calling TOD.

I'm happy to move forward. I'm excited to focus more energy on GRADUATING IN DECEMBER! WOOOOHOO!

But seriously, don't worry.

Always (AND STILL) H.Eilene

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