June 19, 2012

Fricking Internet...

Today a man came out to fix our internet, because it drops the wireless signal every ten minutes. He thought it was all good, so he's gone and all.. but now, I can't even get through a five minute section of Gossip Girl on Netflix without it dropping. I'm sorry, but I really would like to know how this dinner between Chuck and Blair goes!!

Other than that, it was another scorcher today in the suburbs. Unfortunately we got hammered by a storm around 3am so today was a clean up and damage control day. Our neighbors lost a big ash tree, so being good neighbors, my sister, her husband and I all helped haul sections of the tree to the curb for city clean up. It was pretty sad to see it go down.

We're supposed to get hit again tonight. So, anyone in the South Metro, and all around the state of Minnesota, best of luck. I truly hope you fair well tonight and that the storms show you some mercy.


pictures to come of the damage in our neighborhood. It's pretty sad.

June 18, 2012

Soon to Come..

Pictures from my crafty weekend with my sister :)

Sorry I've been so dodgey lately. It's been a little tough to hop on and post when nothing is really happening. Welcome back to the Mount I suppose.
The boy is off exploring the big city.. no no no.. I mean THE Big City. That's right, New York. Can I just say.. JEALOUS!! I only work two days this week (ouch) and I basically have nothing to do.. so expect more posts to come this week!!


June 10, 2012

Shake it Out

If you're mad, shake it out.
If you're sad, shake it out.
Whatever it is.. just shake it out. 

Happy Weekend, I'll talk to you all soon. 
(This past week: major bronchial issues, wisdom teeth extraction, and everlasting cold.)

Alas, it's time to kill some dragons. 