December 30, 2013

Popcorn Thoughts

These are my two favorite boys/men.

They are captured in their natural habitat, doing natural things.. like.. Crab Dancing.


Throwback Monday?

Life is pretty much average right now. I'm working...too much... still.

I passed the class I was supposed to fail... which means I DIDN'T suck at life this semester half as much as I thought I did.


Got to see my best friend yesterday, which probably made my year. I have missed him so much. We drank Chai Tea, played Scrabble and exchanged Christmas presents. Best day ever. ALSO THE PACKERS ARE GOING TO THE PLAYOFFS~~!!!! I am so very excited.


PS. Sorry for the randomness. I will get my crap together soon and start posting real things again.

December 21, 2013

Storytelling Project: Continuing on with my Dreams

Dearest Friends and Readers,

A greater portion of my last semester at Duluth was focused on the Storytelling Project led by the always inspiring Kathryn Van Wert. This project was a collaboration between students and community members who were otherwise-unable to tell their own stories in writing. The project turned into the most beautiful publication of collaborative memoirs. Reading over the stories we wrote, discounting the writing, still brings me to tears. It has nothing to do with our writing, the students' words, but everything to do with the beauty in bringing life to the stories and memories of others.

My partner, Dustin, he's in my prayers every night. I have to say in all honestly, what hits me more than our retelling of his past and his accident was the final section of his memoir. We wrote a narrative from the perspective of himself had the accident never happened. He was married to his pre-accident girlfriend, they were expecting a child, they had a home, friends, it was the perfect evening wrapping up his imperfect past. His reaction, his tears, and his thanks were inspiration and the fuel to fire up this dream of mine.

My dream is to write a book. Most people who know me would know this dream just by having a five minute conversation. While my work with Dustin was special and incredibly beautiful, I want to take a different direction with collaborative memoirs. I want to find amazing people-- by my own definition of amazing-- and I want to interview them for several weeks (or however long it takes) and I want to write about them. A collection of collaborative memoirs of people who do beautiful and amazing things who would otherwise not think of themselves as beautiful or amazing, and who would otherwise not be writing about themselves.

It might not make a whole lot of sense, but its my crazy dream.

Now, the best part of this dream is that I've found a spark. I've found someone who I can't wait to get started working with. This dream of mine might not come true. I know that for every spark, I have equal chance to watch it burn out. But, I have this undying excitement and commitment to the project and to reaching my dream, that I can't help but be hopeful.

First step: Setting up the interviews.

Ready, set, go.


December 16, 2013


When I was a little kid, I wanted to be two things: A Microbiologist (because I wanted to cure cancer)
An Author

I got older and realized the likelihood of either of those dreams coming true was slim. Biology was actually an okay dream to reach for, but being the ONE to cure all of cancer.. I just never felt like that would be achievable. Besides, I grew up and realized that cancer wasn't like the chicken pox or a cold. There are so many different types, that find THE cure.. was impossible because there can't be just one. Becoming an author is also not completely un-reachable. Becoming an author who ONLY writes.. now that is something I know will be extremely difficult. It's something I have been told time and time again to put on the back burner so that I can have a "real" job. 

I have friends who have known their career goals since as far back as they can remember. Not only are the achievable, but they are already achieving them. It makes me more anxious every time I think about it. JT looked at me the other night when I was complaining about having no idea what I want to do with my life... and laughed. "H, you're almost done with college. You're going to graduate early. It doesn't matter what you want to do.. you're already working hard and doing something" (I'm paraphrasing.. it was like 3AM, so my memory is less reliable).

Yes. I'm graduating soon. I took 4 semesters of 20+ credits. When I transferred to the U, I already had 86 credits. All of which transferred over and counted towards my major. This semester, I took 15. Theoretically speaking, I have 19 credits until I hit the "120" benchmark that says I should be done.  Granted, I have another semester regardless because I have to finish my senior seminar and senior project.


I will graduate. Be tens of thousands of dollars in debt. And continue working at Starbucks and Now Boarding.

I wish I had been one of those kids who wanted to be something that made sense.. like a Doctor, Nurse, Teacher, Secretary, Scientist. Anything.

Instead, who knows where I'm gonna end up? I don't know about you.. but that's not very settling.


December 14, 2013

Just Over a Week Later..

I meant to write a post the other night about my pathetic experience in the parking ramp on my way home from turning in my writing portfolio.. and then I went to bed instead.

Story time:

On a dark and chilly  Thursday night (my stories on Thursdays never end well), a kind friend walked with me to turn in our portfolios. I know I said I was moving on.. and I am.. but let's be honest, you'd be scared to walk alone in the dark too...
We were chatting and what not, and then there we are, a whole ten minutes after we met up back at my parking ramp for me to drive home. Now, a short interjection here... I love my schedule, I really do. Only being at the U for 2 full days and 1 short day. What I find incredibly frustrating is when traffic is so bad that I don't get to campus for over an hour after I leave my apartment, and then I'm on my way home in twenty minutes.
Anyways, we had been gone ten minutes. First, I'm pretty sure I took the wrong stairs down to the level.. and then I'm pretty sure I went to the wrong level. I walked around the stinking parking lot for almost an hour because I couldn't find my car. Then, I realized I had stupidly forgotten to put gas in my car... and so I had to do that (which, was terrifying to do downtown at night). Then, I got lost getting to 94... and when I finally (this is almost 90 minutes after originally setting out to find my car)  get on 94, I realize not only had I been so nervous that I forgot to close the little gas door... but my gas cap was hanging out too... CRY.

I found an exit, pulled off and closed it... and then got lost getting BACK to 94 and ended up somehow weaving through the heart of downtown and FINALLY finding 35S.

Yup. It took about 2 hours to get home... and an hour to get up there... for 10 minutes.

A big shout out to Kyle for walking with me-- I really appreciated having someone to walk with.


December 9, 2013

Thursday: Mugged.

I've been getting a lot of texts and messages saying.. "go get a gun..taser..knife..mace..pepper spray..rape whistle.." But none of those things really help in this situation. I haven't really found a comment that particularly makes me feel any better.. but I know that so far, that is what has been offered up the most.

I've been getting a ton of texts/ facebook messages/ emails/ phone calls checking up on me after Thursday last week, and this is my attempt at letting everybody know how I'm doing.. and what happened, because there are a lot of people asking. I have had 4 days now to really think about it, and reflect on what I should have done differently, and how I could have reacted and especially on how everything could have gone differently... and I've come to the overall conclusion that I'm okay with the way things turned out.. I wasn't physically hurt, and at the same time as my faith in people was destroyed.. it was reestablished by the people who came to my rescue.

Thursday, December 5th just before 9:00 at night, I was followed from my night class by a man who later shoved me into the side of a building, holding a knife up to my neck and demanding that I give him all of my money. If we rewind a bit to just before 6pm, I had been sitting on the floor doing homework before my class. I was chatting with a friend over Facebook and I told him there was a guy that had been pacing the little corner where I was sitting. It had made me nervous-- there was an entire hallway full of benches and places to walk/pace. I didn't get why he needed to be in my bubble. 

That same man who had given me a creepy vibe before my class was the man who later held his knife to my neck and demanded my money. Because it was the same guy and I had noticed how creepy he was acting before, I was able to give the police a detailed description of him. Unfortunately, he got away. 

Back to the part of the story where I'm pinned against a wall with a man yelling in my face-- now, mentally, I took note of everything on my person. I had $2 in cash, a Starbucks gift card and my bus pass. I stopped carrying my wallet around campus since the frequency of crimes has spiked. I had a ton of homework and my laptop. Finally, like most students, I had my phone and my keys. 

Most nights, I talk on the phone when I'm walking. While maybe that gives off the vibe of "I'm distracted" I'm generally on the phone with someone who knows exactly where I am in case something were to happen. Thursday night, however, I wasn't on the phone and I wasn't distracted by anything other than the cold. 

I had been holding my keys in my mitten, and while other people's first instinct (that I've heard while listening to other peoples' responses to this) is to carry their keys so they poke out between your fingers so you can hit an attacker with them and run... I was wearing mittens... that wasn't how I held my keys.  
On my key ring, I have a little red whistle that my sister and I found at one of the little vendors at the State Fair-- it was a giveaway. I blew the whistle and yelled for help after pulling the two dollars from my pocket and handing it over... I figured he'd be pissed off regardless of whether I blew the whistle or not.. because he had very clearly targeted the wrong person. He wasn't gaining much by mugging me. 

I've been told by several people that I should have yelled Fire... because people usually don't run towards the person screaming for help? I didn't. I screamed Help. Loudly. 

To my luck, three guys came running around the corner of the building and shouted at the man to get off of me. He dropped his knife and took off. I more or less crumbled to the snow, hyperventilating.... I had done pretty well up to that point and hadn't completely lost it. 

The poor guys thought he had stabbed me, because I fell down. One called the police and we waited for them to come and take our reports of what had happened and a description of the man. I was escorted to my car by an officer, and I went home.

That was it. I wasn't physically harmed, though I can't say that being slammed into a brick building felt great. He didn't actually cut or stab me, and he didn't really get away with much. I mean, that $2 was my lunch money for the next day at work.. but really, $2 was nothing.

Mentally, I'm doing okay. I'm afraid now.. of being in Minneapolis after dark. I won't be walking to my car alone for a very long time. But, I'm not an emotional train wreck. I'm functioning just fine, and I truly just want to move forward.

I feel so very Blessed and grateful that there were three men in the area who heard my scream and my whistle and came running. I don't think I will ever truly be able to express how wonderful it was to know that there were people willing to help a stranger. I have been constantly praying and thanking God for keeping me safe that night.

I appreciate everyone who has been checking in and making sure I'm doing okay, but I really don't want to talk about it anymore. It happened, and now I want to keep focused on my last two weeks of the semester.

Lastly, I don't feel like my carrying any sort of weapon is an answer to this problem. The University needs to get a handle on the spike in crime this year, but I do think they are doing everything they know how to do. The response time on campus was only a couple minutes, and when they arrived they did everything they could to make sure I was doing okay. I've been a little confused as to why the other attempted armed robberies were broadcast on the Campus Alert system and this incident wasn't, the only conclusion I have come up with is that it's because I wasn't physically hurt? The others were all physically hurt in the incident making it more critical... or something? I don't know, but in all honesty, I would rather not read the police report or crime alert anyways.

I personally am made uncomfortable by others carrying weapons around-- even though I understand that it's often for self defense or comfort or because you just really like to... but that's not me. I don't like guns. I don't like knives. I'd probably manage to spray myself or taze myself by accident and that wouldn't leave me in any better shape. And, it's also not my place to tell others they should or shouldn't carry a concealed weapon. I think everyone should make that decision for themselves, but I personally wouldn't be comfortable doing it. So.. no. I am not going to get a gun.

Anyways, thank you for your concern. I really do love knowing how many people care about me. I am doing okay, and it gets better each day.


December 2, 2013

Chocolate Chip Cookie Oatmeal... This must happen.

So, I found this recipe on Oatgasm (a blog) and I'll post the official link on the bottom. This is a recipe that I truly believe everyone in the world needs to try. It's THAT good. 


1/3 cup oats, with 1 tbsp. set aside
1/4 tsp. baking powder
pinch of salt
1/8 tsp. butter flavoring (Optional, but I highly recommend it. Adding this ingredient really furthers the cookie-like taste. I used the same one that we use on popcorn. Use either liquid, or the powder form.)
1/4 tsp. vanilla extract
1 tbsp. applesauce
1/2 tbsp. maple syrup, or sweetener of choice
4-5 tbsp. almond milk, or milk of choice
handful of chocolate chips (I used about 15-20, and I thought that it was plenty. Feel free to add as many as you'd like, or sprinkle more on top after baking.)

Preheat the oven to 350F. Prepare a ramekin or oven-safe dish by lightly spraying/greasing all around. 

In a food processor or a blender, grind 1 tbsp. of the oats until they resemble flour. Combine this with the rest of  the oats, baking powder, salt, and butter flavor inside the ramekin. Whisk lightly with a fork to combine. Add in the vanilla, applesauce, and syrup/sweetener. Stir this as best as you can. It will still be thick.

Mix in 3 tbsp. of milk. If the mixture is too thick, add in more until the oatmeal is batter-like. The mixture should be wet, but not soaking. Add in the chocolate chips, pressing them down into the oatmeal. Smooth out the top, and transfer to the oven. Bake for 17-20 minutes, or until the top is set and golden, and the chips are starting to melt.

Serve warm. Enjoy.

Click ENJOY above (the one that looks like a link DUH) to go to the actual page with pictures and links to other fantastic baked Oatmeal recipes! 

I'm working on my annual holiday to do list/ holiday bucket list for the blog. We'll get there :) 


November 28, 2013

Gobble Gobble Gobble

My three year old niece is wandering around the living room singing some random song-- probably her rendition of a song from one of her many favorite princess movies. My four month old nephew is napping peacefully in the nursery/office. My other niece is off with her dad's side of the family this year for Thanksgiving.

My oldest sister is laying on the floor scouring the coupons and deals that will begin later this even while her husband talks angrily to the Packers defensive line. My middle sister is with her significant other's family. My mom and dad are reclining, drinking their coffee and watching the game.

While I may not be very thankful for the screaming and crying and excited yelling that comes with spending football afternoons with my family, I am very grateful for my family. I love these quieter moments, when I can truly embrace and appreciate everything they are, and everything they do for me.

On this wonderful Thanksgiving day, I am fortunate enough to have today off. I am not fortunate enough this year to be off on Christmas or Christmas Eve.

I work with many people who are vehemently against retail stores being open on Holidays and even more livid about the people who shop on these holidays. I have worked in retail, fast food, and entertainment industries. I have always been required to work on at least one Holiday, and I have been happy to do so.

Whether you are coming to my store because you are on your way to a family gathering, or because you want to treat yourself on a day you'd otherwise spend alone, I am happy to serve you on Holidays, even if it means I am not home with my family. Thanksgiving is a day to be grateful, not a day to be cursing other people for just wanting a special treat. Black Friday has been turned into a chaotic day of shopping-- while it doesn't really make sense to spend a day being thankful only to then go race the crowds to buy more stuff, it is the world we live in. Our economy sucks, and people are trying to get the best deals. Truthfully, I don't blame the shoppers. I blame the stores who put such limits on their deals. Even then, during the Holidays, you won't find me complaining about all the people who come in to buy a cup of coffee. You'll find me sincerely wishing them a happy season.

Happy Thanksgiving.

November 4, 2013

Embracing my Faith

So, I'm taking a break. 

It might make me a bad friend, but I'm trying to make good use of this time and actually get my act together.. which will hopefully help me to be a better friend in the greater scheme of things. 

So far, I've realized how much I really truly love my relationship with God. I appreciate Him so much more now. I'm realizing how truly special He is. How rare is it that you can find someone who will love you EXACTLY as you are?

Even my closest friends and family will tell me:

You're too sensitive
You're too anxious
You care too much about what others will think
You are too judgemental
You're too passive
You're too bitchy
You're too quiet
You need to do this
You need to be more that

But... God doesn't tell me to change. He loves me as I am.  

I need more people in my life who will love me just as I am. I need more people who will love me even when I'm struggling with my anxiety or overly-emotional about something. I need more people who will choose to stand by me through thick and thin. 

I'm also, attempting, to live a more Christ-like life. I'm trying to make each decision in a way that more positively reflects my religion and each step I take is a step towards Heaven-- in a non-depressing we're all slowly dying kind of way-- and a step towards a happier and healthier life. 


October 31, 2013

My Apologies

Everything has changed so fast. I'm in one of those horrible movies where they show time passing with some stupid montage. Except, I'm just me. Life is moving so quickly, and I don't know where to breathe.

But, that's okay.

This train can keep speeding through, and eventually I'll figure it all out.

This isn't going to be a long message, but here it is.

I am so very sorry if I am neglecting my friendship with you. I am so very sorry if my schedule is screwing things up between us. I haven't figured out my time management system yet with this new job and the new hours, so I don't have as much time as I would hope to have. This means that instead of devoting my time to other people, I'm devoting time to myself right now. I need to figure some things out before I can allow myself to be there for others.

I have given up too much of myself in the past two months, and my grades and my heart have suffered. Please, don't take it personally. I am not cherry picking who I'm talking to and who I'm not.

During this time of adjustment and thinking, I'm also trying to revamp my relationship with Jesus. I feel like since I moved to the U, He has been moved aside for other things. God is very important in my life, and I need to give myself a chance to really reflect and pray to Him, and I need to devote the time He deserves. So, I'm working on it.

Maybe you're sick of hearing that I'm working on it, but honestly, that's all I've got. Give me some space, and I swear to you that when I'm ready I will come talk to you.


October 9, 2013

Being The Change I Need.


As many of my friends have known for awhile, I was very unhappy as a Preschool Teacher. Between the frustration over the under-staffing, being over-ratio, and overall disliking the way my particular site was being run, it just wasn't a good fit. I stuck with it for almost 2 years, but finally the match was lit. I finally had a good enough reason to quit.

My reason was so good in fact, that circumstances led to my leaving without notice. Unfortunately, that meant I didn't get to say goodbye to the families of my students, I didn't apologize to them for leaving, and I didn't get to say goodbye to the few students who had been there as long as I had.

If any parents of my students stumble upon this page, I am so very sorry for leaving so suddenly. I am so very sorry for abandoning your beautiful, amazing children. I already miss them so much it hurts. I wish it hadn't come to this.

To my friends and my wonderful boyfriend, my leaving the preschool has come as a relief. There are no more fits of rage following a shift. There are no more tears in relation to my frustration. There  are no more days where I have to feel like I'm failing the kids. There are no more days where I feel like our site is failing the kids. It's over.

I can finally breathe a sigh of relief.

Unfortunately, I know that those kids are still there. I know that they are not getting every ounce of care they deserve. For that reason, I pray for each and every one of them.

A few weeks ago, when I had been getting to my limit of frustration with the daycare, I decided to start applying for other jobs. I knew I would have Starbucks, but I wasn't so sure that I wanted to risk running into scheduling issues and being unable to pay my rent.

I applied for a job at a Dog/Cat/Critter Boarding Center. Pets are way more enjoyable than children... I don't think I'll feel so pressured to be perfect. A dog isn't going to care if I'm not able to fix every tiny little crisis. A dog doesn't have to learn the skills on the Kindergarten readiness list, and they're  entire future doesn't solely rest on my shoulders.

I get to play with dogs and cats. I get to feed them. I get to clean up after them.

Not always clean. Not always fun and cheerful.

But, I will actually enjoy going to work.

And I needed that.


September 29, 2013

Children and Animals.. basically the same thing right?

I'm considering a change in career.

Not.. like.. my real life career after college.. Nope.. Still hanging on to my English and Geography roots. I'm talking about the "put me through college/pays for my food" career.

As you know (I hope) I teach preschool. I work at a daycare and am in charge of a rowdy little bunch of munchkins who clobber me with hugs and snuggles when I walk in the door. I love them to death. They're great, but I'm growing tired of the other side of the job.. the whole.. dealing with other teachers and butting heads with my boss side of things.

Long story short, I disagree with decisions and actions taken by some of the staff and I feel strongly that I no longer am comfortable working there.. Not to mention, I'm watching all of the families whom I've fallen in love with leave. It's heartbreaking to continue to say goodbye to the families who have been there since I started, and amazing to see how many others who haven't been there that long leave. It's a bit of a sign that I need to get the heck outta there.

I applied to work at a boarding center for cats and dogs. I love cats and dogs, and I mean, they're as snuggly (if not a little more) than kids, plus, I'm hoping there will be less frustration than in my current location. I'm going to be sad, really really sad, to say goodbye to all my kids and the classroom I've made my home.. But I can't imagine moving on will be worse than staying where I'm at.


September 22, 2013

Empty Sink

I have always tried to be more "Glass half full" than the alternative. Because... Why not?

The past two weeks have been very much full of the alternative. WHY DO I SUCK AT ADJUSTING?

As I mentioned many weeks ago.. September marked the beginning of a lot of new things.

1. New Apartment
2. New School
3. New Schedule

So.. Here's the update:

1. New Apartment: Awesome. I love it. I love having my own space. I love my roommates. I love having the freedom. Also, I love having a cat. Devo lived with the family, but she's so much more fun now that she's just mine. She really gets excited when I get home, she bugs me for food, she is mine now.

2. New School: Not Awesome. It's huge. My classes are spread across both East Bank and West Bank and St. Paul Campus. I hate it. I don't like being a number. I don't like feeling so... lost and so.. lonely. Not to be melodramatic.. because really.. it's not like it matters.. but it's kinda depressing realizing I have no friends and I don't have time to make any either.

3. New Schedule. I have classes Monday, Tuesday, Thursday. I work Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Sunday. I have no time to relax. I haven't done laundry... in 22 days. I'm tired. I'm drained. I am an empty sink.

Everyone keeps telling me one of two things.
First: This was your stupid decision.. Suck it up and live with it.
Second: You need to give it more time.

My responses:
First: Thank you. Thank you so much for pointing out something I'm well aware of. Leaving Duluth wasn't an easy decision. It wasn't a simple decision... it was hard. It was painful leaving behind my home and my friends.. and I am living with it. I am also very happy knownig that because I made that decision-- I have an apartment, I have my roommates who are becoming my very good friends, and I got to save my kitty from being given away.
Second: I don't want to. I want it to be perfect now. I want to be doing well, handling school and work, and seeing my family and Jordan on a regular basis without sacrificing sleep time. Also, DUH. I'm not complaining because I'm giving up. That isn't an option.

So, for now, I'm an empty sink. I'm tired. I'm drained. I break down randomly and wish I could quit... But, then I pick myself up and keep going because.. I refuse to fail. So.. I may be an empty sink.. but I'm not a leaky sink..

My metaphor was as tired as I am...


August 26, 2013

Iced Coffee and Floating...

The greatest feeling in the world is relaxing on a floaty with my iced Kenya coffee in the cup holder. It was amazing. The water was nice and warm, the sun was HOT and the humidity made my hair frizz out like an afro. I am in love with vacation. 

Tomorrow, I head into Duluth to visit with my other Hannah :) I cannot wait to see her after this long summer and catch an evening mass at Newman! 

Can't wait! 

Off to float some more!

August 23, 2013

Finally, A Summer Vacation

Today marks the start of something I have been waiting for. I have waited patiently for an entire year for my annual summer vacation. Yes, yes, yes. Classes ended back in May. But, my summer got hijacked by needing to earn money for school and now rent. 75 hours every week for three months has made me tired, crabby, and I feel like I aged about a hundred years. 

Now, today marks my first day of vacation. Tomorrow, I make the drive out to Nebagamon for a week of carefree relaxation... I return to the cities on the 30th or the morning of the 31st and attend the Macklemore concert later the 31st, and I move in to my awesome new apartment on September 1st!

Can I just say.. HOLY BUCKETS. I am going to need the next few days to relax before the whirlwind that will be classes and moving and everything all at once. 

See you soon, 

July 26, 2013

One of those Religious Posts and Rants again..

"We need saints without cassocks, without veils - we need saints with jeans and tennis shoes. We need saints that go to the movies that listen to music, that hang out with their friends. We need saints that place God in first place ahead of succeeding in any career. We need saints that look for time to pray every day and who know how to be in love with purity, chastity and all good things. We need saints - saints for the 21st century with a spirituality appropriate to our new time. We need saints that have a commitment to helping the poor and to make the needed social change. We need saints to live in the world, to sanctify the world and to not be afraid of living in the world by their presence in it. We need saints that drink Coca-Cola, that eat hot dogs, that surf the internet and that listen to their iPods. We need saints that love the Eucharist, that are not afraid or embarrassed to eat a pizza or drink a beer with their friends. We need saints who love the movies, dance, sports, theater. We need saints that are open sociable normal happy companions. we need saints who are in this world and who know how to enjoy the best in this world without being callous or mundane. We need saints." - Pope Francis, World Youth Day 2013

Pope Francis is here to do amazing things, but he follows other amazing popes who came to do amazing things. This quote is from Pope Francis quoting Pope John Paul II. They both realized something most of my friends haven't figured out yet. Saints don't have to be nuns or priests. Saints can be good people who live their daily lives like normal college students. Being Holy doesn't require being hidden and secluded from parties and the ever changing world. 

I don't have to give up being a teenager or a young adult entering my twenties to believe in Christ or to live my life with Him as my center. I can work, go to class, socialize, party, BE me while I worship and praise my God. I am so proud to be a Catholic under Pope Francis. I am so proud to be a Catholic.  

Woah.. July is almost over..


Woah, summer has flown by. I haven't done much other than work (as you know). JKA has been a blast, working on making my classroom a little more homey and updating all of our walls and charts! I am officially considered a teacher now, and I love the responsibility and excitement that comes with the job! 
Our Starbucks store has been undergoing a remodel, and we're all very excited to see the beautiful new store! New counters, new lobby, new everything! Including, a new coffee brewer called a Clover Brewer. The special vacuum brew draws out extra aromas and flavors from the coffee and makes the BEST tasting cup of coffee you could ever have! 

Enough about work. Two weeks ago, my family welcomed a healthy and handsome little man into the world! I am the proud auntie to a nephew!!! 
His name is Dane Ryan. He was born on July 11th, and he is happy and healthy and the cutest darned baby boy that I have ever held. 

In just over a month, I will be moving into an apartment with a coworker, and I couldn't be more excited to start this new adventure. 

July 1, 2013


Well friends. My last post was on June 4th. I have officially been home for almost two months. What have I accomplished? Work.

My room is still partially (mostly) packed.

Devo tried to eat Exodus. Shocker. 
I have started opening at Daycare, closing at Starbucks, working weekends, housesitting and babysitting on the side.

My official (unofficial) goal is to be able to pay for tuition in the fall without using loans. I mean, don't mistake me... I'll be taking out my loans.. but I hope to pay back old loans.. because UMD was SPENDY.

I got to see some Duluthians (and I think I already wrote about it... but maybe not...) when I went bowling for Ryan's birthday with Hannah T and Sarah. Since then...  I had a single day of visiting with Luke (we saw Epic) and a single day of visiting with Hannah K. I honestly have not seen anybody outside of family, Jordan, and a few hangouts with K. My summer is disappearing and all I have to show are a few.. a lot.. of paychecks.

Worth it? You tell me.

Aside from work, there hasn't been much of anything in my life. I had one nice day with just Violet-- we went out for "special milk and a cookie" from Starbucks, I have had a whole whopping 5 days off, including one sick day. I house sat for K's family, which meant 4+ visits with the pups daily and one really unfortunate mishap including maggots. I have been babysitting for my senior year English teacher and will house-sit for her family soon. My nephew is coming in the next few weeks (like.. coming into the world). I am hoping to get up to Duluth soon.. BECAUSE MY FAVORITE PERSON EVER IS BACK FROM SPAIN!!!!!

I cannot wait to see her. My hands get all shaky in excitement when I think about it. I CAN'T WAIT!!!

Roommate withdrawal is a painful and depressing process.

Will try to post more soon.. hopefully reunion pics!

June 4, 2013

Children and Coffee = My new life.

Hello Friends,

I know, I know, it's been a week. At least. Or less... I guess I don't really know.

Summer this year is not a time for relaxation or rejuvenation. Summer this year is a time of working. And, by working... I mean.. A LOT of working.

Daycare: 55 hours
Starbucks: 23 hours

I am on schedule for 78 hours this week. Knowing that I have an hour unpaid each day for daycare, I will have a paid 73 hour week. Yikes!! I know I'm going to be wooped!

This past week, I didn't do much. I worked. I trained. I worked some more.

This week, I will be working. I will be trying to sleep. I will be cuddling with my boy for the few nights that I can see him.

It's bout to get crazy!!!

I also have to tell you why I think I need to focus all my life on Moby-Dick, or rather, my speculations on why I cannot escape it!

Below is my current obsession (song), I cannot stop humming it!


Nothing New

My cat is trying to eat my laptop as I type... it's kind of funny to listen to the click of the plastic on her teeth and the echo of her purr. If you've ever seen my cat, you know... her purr is LOUD. And kind of annoyingly so.

As my sad attempt for a title points out, there's nothing new in my life. I'm working. I'm attempting to feel at home in my room, and I am attempting a social life.

My schedule limits my ability to see friends and family, but I am working on seeing people when I can. I also haven't been able to devote the proper amount of time to organizing and rearranging my closet to make my bins fit more conveniently. Everything in my life is a work in progress.

 Just like my bike.

May 21, 2013

The First Adventure of the Summer

So, the beautiful thing about summer is that I'm home, I'm able to see my wonderful friends, and I get to enjoy the wonderful  scenery of my state's parks! 

Kayla might kill me for putting this picture up, but in my defense... I look WAY more unattractive.

So, we went to Jensen Lake at Lebanon. We started seeking out turtles... and to our dismay only began to find dead turtles. I know it's pretty crude to photograph dead things... but I honestly think turtles are one of the coolest inhabitants of our Earth, and it made me so sad to see so many dead. Also... they had awesome shells.. and were big. It was for science... of some sort. 


Rest in peace turtles... and my Toms that are no longer wearable. 

May 20, 2013


 Did I already mention the pepper grinder incident? I don't think I did... So... You see that gap between the black and white on the pepper grinder (that's the plastic object being held) in the first picture... Okay, so look where the bandaid is on picture two... I got my hand.. stuck in the gap. I had to run it under freezing water until it was numb and shrunken enough to rip the thing off.
It cut off a lot of my skin.. and I could see the disgusting purple-blue vein because there wasn't anything covering it. GROSS.
This happened the day before my HUGE finals (Shakespeare and Methods of Literary Study)... Let's just say, my handwriting sucked.

This beautiful thing is a really really old awesome bike that I got for FREE. It's a Roadmaster. It is in mostly great condition. It works better than the "modern" free bike I got two summers ago.

I like free bikes. I have to take this one to Erik's Bike Shop to make sure it isn't like.. actually just broken beyond cheap (affordable) repair. I like it better than the newer (made within the last two decades) bike because it's old.. and it's got the nifty basket.

This was discovered the day after I got home from Duluth. I was on my way home from lunch with my mom, enjoying my only day off before starting back at the daycare. It wasn't really a day off though. I had a job interview!!! (More on that later!)
Miss Vi was sick that whole first week (Weds-Sat) of my coming home.. so she didn't go to school (daycare). On Friday, I got to have an awesome snack with her while Jen talked to the cable guy who came to fix our wireless internet.

I'd say the lack of internet was the predominant reason for my hiatus... except that would be lying. I've been busy.

I can't even say I've been busy unpacking.. because I didn't really do squat until tonight. These pictures... show you my dilemma. I have lots of stuff!!! Moving back from an apartment.. into a bedroom leaves me in a pickle. I have things you need in apartments but not bedrooms.. like, dishes, a toaster, a coffee pot.. well... actually, I forgot my toaster. Sarah was amazing and grabbed all my forgotten things and I will retrieve them from her at some unknown date.
My big issue was that there are tons of bins and things and nowhere to put things. So I came up with a solution.. but that was tonight.. so I'll get there.

Everyone who knows me knows two very simple facts about me.
1. I'm allergic to cats.
2. I love Devo (the resident kitty of the house).
I love how snuggly and soft she is, and how friendly and social she is. She's honestly the coolest cat I've ever met. Our biggest issue, however, is my body's refusal to let me show my love for her.
We worked out a deal.. she likes to sleep on my bed. In order to not die/lose all ability to breathe... I can't let her sleep where I'll breathe in her hair. So, I set a pillow close to the end of my bed  against the wall so that she has somewhere to lay where I won't completely suffocate. She and I have come to love this deal.

Okay. So, more updates:

1. Job Interview was Thursday for Starbucks (2nd Job)
2. Got the job!!!
3. I know work.. 7-5 (daycare) monday-friday, 6-10:30 (starbucks) a few nights a week, plus some weekend shifts
4. I register at the U of M TC tomorrow!!!
5. I didn't fail any classes... well.. okay, Shakespeare.. I'm not sure about yet.
6. Our internet works again at the house!!
7. I have unpacked 65% of my stuff!!!! (this all happened tonight..)
8. I can't sleep... so I finally got around to all of the things I have been avoiding.. (laundry, unpacking, blog post.. because there was a lot to say, organizing desk, dusting and going through books)

9. I might not post every day/ as often as I was able to over the school year.. but I promise some awesome updates including more of my creative non-fiction from this past semester!!!

Keep coming back!


May 12, 2013

"Come follow me"

This weekend has been a blessing and a curse. Can I say that with a picture of a priest right there? I'm going to say it anyways. Goodbyes have never been my thing. I cry. A lot. Tonight was no exception to the rule. Father Mike tonight at mass started out by commenting about how for many students this is their last mass with Newman as a UMD student... Cry #1. His homily, boy... there were a good 3 parts where I started crying. One, was when he talked about how he isn't good at goodbyes... he gets all choked up, and he just wants to take off instead of greeting people after mass. Two, he said, "You don't have to change the world. That's not what God calls us to do. He calls us and says: "COME FOLLOW ME". You don't have to change the world, you just have to follow Jesus." Three, he told a story of a 14 year old boy name Jose Luis Sanchez during the Mexican Revolution who died as a witness to Christ. The boy refused to say "Long live the Mexican government" and instead said "Long live Christ the king" or "Viva Christo Rey."

Those three words are always engraved in my head when I'm reading scripture or praying. As I'm saying goodbye to the 2 years I spent here at UMD, and I'm saying goodbye to the friends I have made, I have to remember... God led me here, but he's also leading me to the cities. I need to continue to follow where he leads me and be grateful for these beautiful people he has blessed me with.

There is one girl in particular who I have only recently become close with. Hannah T. I am so thankful she has been put in my life, and saying goodbye to her is going to be extremely difficult.. even after such short time. I am so excited to come back and visit all of the wonderful people I have met and gotten to know over these two years.

Tomorrow begins finals. 8AM Natural Hazards. Let's do this.


May 9, 2013

This is Not Devastating

I have been grappling with how to approach this since early this afternoon. I started to get really frustrated, angry, annoyed, crabby. 
Then, I went to mass at the Newman House for the first time in MONTHS. I used to talk about going to RCIA and mass and meal... and then I got busy with The Storytelling Project and had to revert back to only Sundays. 

You may think.. what's the big deal? Sundays are the only obligatory days... or maybe you're thinking.. where the heck ya goin with this??

I'm getting there. 

Going to mass tonight helped me decide how to answer this frustration that has been bogging me down tonight.

Today on Facebook I received a message:
I bet you're pretty pissed about the marriage bill passing. You and your fellow bigots got what you deserved today.

It really hurt me. I am openly Catholic. Yes. I am also openly loving. I am deeply invested in issues of human rights. My religion might tell me one thing, but politically I see both sides. The statistics will tell you that most Catholics are Republican. It's a weird thing... I think.. to label Catholics based on their political views... but if you're going to put the label, I'm a Liberal Catholic. Politically speaking, I favor the Democrats. 

That being said. No. I'm not pissed that the marriage bill passed. I am truly happy for everyone it benefits. I also truly feel bad for everyone it hurts, including my church.

Father Mike has done a phenomenal job explaining the reason our church believes the covenant of marriage is between a man and a woman. He has also done a phenomenal job of explaining what the passage of this bill will do to the Catholic Church. 

I am truly sad for the negative impact this bill will have on my church. I am truly sad for the hurtful things people have and will probably continue to say on both sides with regards to this bill. I am truly sad for all of the people who say God had nothing to do with this... or blame God for the hatred spread throughout our country related to this issue.  

Father Mike said it well tonight when he said, "this is not devastating." He's right. A large percentage of this state got what they wanted. They are all celebrating and proud. An almost equally large percentage of this state isn't happy with the bill. And things might get tough, but I choose to believe that there will be good that comes of this-- for everyone. 

Me, I'm happy for everyone who benefits for it. I think equality is a wonderful thing. I am also saddened by the backlash it has spurred. I am saddened by the change I know it will bring to my religion. But I am not devastated. I stand in the middle. My definition of marriage stands by my faith, but my commitment as a citizen to give everyone equal rights stands by the bill. 

I'm not a bigot. I'm also not ashamed to tell you that those words from the "friend" upset me. They didn't make me mad. I didn't satisfy the sender with an angry-worded response. I stared at the screen for a minute, and I cried. I will never attack anyone's beliefs or religion intentionally. Nor do I plan on attacking a person's personal decisions. It hurts when others decide to do it to me. 

May 8, 2013


My fish is weird. He does handstands. A couple days ago I found him perfectly folded in half. I swear he's training for some fish gymnastics or something..

On an unrelated note: Today was gorgeous, 75 and muggy with the perfect breeze to make the humidity not suck. Perfect. I took a nap... right after taking this picture.. in the middle of the courtyard. Oops

May 7, 2013


Seven days is all that stands between me and my favorite person in the whole world. Friends, Family, Boyfriend, Kenzi, no offense, but I am most excited to go home to my beautiful oldest niece for the running hug and the accompanying little voice yelling "Auntie HANNAHHHH! You back from college?" and more than that, I'm so very excited to tell her, "Auntie Hannah doesn't have to go away to college anymore!"

These past two years have been awesome-- I've gotten to experience Duluth, grow up a bit, become more responsible for myself, and I've grown as a person being away from the dominant people in my life. But now, I get to go HOME. I get to surround myself with my loving little nieces and soon my baby nephew! When I'm stressed out and just need a hug, I'll have my big sister to tell me to buck up.

I am so excited to go back to work, to be with my family, and to enjoy this summer!


2 of 3.

They may not be my most eloquent or even my most brilliant essays (though I think they're up there on the list) the two essays I needed to complete for Tuesday are finished!

I am impressed by the fact that they are finished by 2AM, because at 1:00 AM I finally stuck a conclusion on the rough draft that is due tomorrow and turned my focus on my less than satisfactory draft that needs to be polished and ready for grading by noon. Much to my surprise my brain cooperated and had an idea of what to write (which really... if you saw me a few weeks ago writing the draft for peer review you'd be high-fiving, fist-bumping, maybe even congratulatory hugging me right now).

Now, I'm going to bed. I'm going to wake up by 10 (hopefully) so I can take a look at the drafts (with fresh-not-sleep-deprived eyes) for final touches before printing for class.

Next Goal:
Finish Shakespeare Paper
Chapter 10 for Natural Hazards


May 6, 2013

Call me Student.

There she blows!!! I'm setting sail on my research paper (again.. I docked for an hour to refuel). Now that I have my iced coffee, I can set sail on my journey to the end of this voyage!!

FUN FACT: Did you know that Starbucks was named for the first mate of the Pequod? It was almost named Pequod but that's not an appetizing name for a beverage.

I think I might have shared this already, but now you know.. again!


I make lists. Constantly.

1 list on the whiteboard on my windowsill
1 list on the makeshift whiteboard on my side table
8 lists in my notebook
15 lists on various post its within my planner
the planner itself is full of lists
1 list on my computer (does this count as one too?)

The problem with having SO MANY lists is that half the time I'll get through one goal on the list... and realize that I should have started the other one.. and I leave it half finished to start the others... and so on and so forth.

My NEW Goal:

Finish each thing as it comes to me.

Like today:
I have 2 papers due for tomorrow.
I need to write them (well... one of them is partially written).

I have 1 paper due for Wednesday (I need to finish it)
I have 1 chapter due for Wednesday (I need to finish reading it)

Those are pretty simple.. I mean minus the struggle of actually writing the papers... but simple lists. 3 papers and a chapter, but broken down by the day: 2 papers (really more like 1.5) and 1 paper and 1 chapter. I shouldn't have 50 lists describing these things...

Anyways, Happy Monday! I am wearing a bright orange dress to celebrate Duluth reaching 61 degrees. Thank goodness~ Spring has finally come... May 6th.


May 3, 2013


Go Brewers!! (Daddy's Girl) 
I have the problem of not doing things to further my social status. It's pretty sad. Instead of going out and being social with people, I do homework and watch movies alone on my couch. In fact, right now, I have cinnamon rolls in the oven and I worked on some abs. Have you ever done sit ups leaning backwards off a couch? Probably not my best move, but hey, I could feel them... SO I decided to reward myself with cinnamon rolls. They're the best. Rhodes. I'll drop a name here. I like them. They are the best.

So, I'm not proud to say that I ate FOUR cinnamon rolls. I mean, I'll just put it out there that they aren't very big. But, still. That's a little embarrassing.

This weekend's plan: Shakespeare Paper, Methods of Lit Study Paper, and American Lit Paper. Exciting right?

I'm sure I'll be back.

May 1, 2013


Around Finals Week is when I get the most criticism about my major. Science majors have labs, subjects like biology, chemistry, physics. Engineers have calculus, physics, engineering specific classes.. Teaching students have big projects and lesson plans to turn in.

For some reason, and honestly, I am not pointing to anyone specific, because it comes from all sides... people seem to think English majors have it super easy when finals roll around.

To be completely forward, my one geography course for this semester is probably my easiest class. I'm not saying it isn't challenging at all, because I promise that I'm not flying through it with perfect scores. But, it definitely isn't the hardest of my classes. When people are going on and on about how English is a slacker major the one modifier they add on, as if to make it sting less, "Oh, but you're a double major so it doesn't count."

Excuse me? I may not sit in labs for hours on end, I may not have to solve mathematical problems that take up full notebook pages, but I am not just sitting on my butt reading Junie B. Jones all day. I work my butt of reading literature that I don't always understand. When I'm done reading it, I have to read it again at least once. Following that, I generally have to write response papers. Oooooh big deal. A Response Paper. Yes. They are a big deal. They aren't just "this made me feel ____" or "I liked this. It was cool." or "This was boring." NO. They are talking about themes, and connecting pieces to other works we've read, adding in historical and compositional details we notices and talking about what the author was trying to do.

Hey, if that comes really easy to you, I applaud you. But I have NEVER been one to easily assess what an author was trying to do. I don't know! Half the time, I doubt the author REALLy was trying to say half the things we try to get out of their writing. I didn't choose English as a major because I thought it'd be a walk in the park, I chose it because reading and writing are my passion, and while I love both, I am not a pro.

This semester, I'm in 3 heavy reading courses: Methods of Literary Study where we tackled Moby-Dick, Shakespeare, we have read a play(sometimes 2) per week, and American Literature 2. Each of those classes plus my memoir course involved multiple large writing assignments.
My next week is as follows:
- The Tempest (and Response Paper)
- Critical Analysis of the character of Lady Macbeth
- Research Paper: How does adapting Moby-Dick for children change the major themes and context of the novel?
- Exam Natural Hazards
- Critical Analysis of Emily Dickinson Poem

Then May 13-15:
Portfolio due for Memoirs (revisions on all pieces still need to be done)
Final Exam Shakespeare
Cumulative Final for Methods of Lit Study
Final Exam American Lit 2
Final Exam Natural Hazards

Maybe it's just me, maybe you think I'm stupid... but my major isn't the easy way out. I honestly don't think any major in college is going to be "easier" than another. Each subject is difficult in it's own way, requires a different frame of thought, and a different attitude.

Please take your negative attitudes about my workload and my future somewhere else, because I promise you the next time I hear it, I'm done.

On a brighter note. Story Telling Reading is tomorrow (today) at 6pm in the library! And, the wait is finally over. I will get to hug my amazing boy in t-minus 13 hours.

April 30, 2013

Remixing Moby-Dick

If you could write a fan fiction of Moby-Dick what would you write it about? How would you modernize the text to make it more applicable to today's audiences? How would you change the story to make it more interesting?

We mused on this question today in my Methods of Lit Study class, and it was a blast!

One group suggested changing the setting to the streets of some city, and make the "White Whale" a new drug...
Another group turned the crew into a football team and Ahab into the coach (almost like a Remember the Titans angle with the interracial drama)...
Our group went a little dark.

Our group set the scene in The Pequod Memorial Mental Institution. Ahab was a Dissociative Schizophrenic  I really liked ours. It went much further into depth, but I don't really want to get into the details tonight. More to come!!!


April 29, 2013

What a Wonderful Day

You know how some days you wake up, and the day just starts perfectly? Then, as the day continues on, it for some reason doesn't suck? And then, you get to the end of the day and think, Huh... Today was kinda awesome?

That was my Monday.

I woke up at 7:30 (without help from Sarah.. which is impressive).
I went to purchase my parking pass for next week and then finished my homework for Tuesday in the coffee shop until my 9am class. Our last exams were handed back in class today, and I was happy to see that I earned an A! Then, I went to Shakespeare. This is usually where my days start to head downhill. But, it didn't.

We are reading Cymbeline in my class right now, and I was so excited about this play. This is the first play I haven't had to:
1. Read Twice
2. Read SparkNotes
3. Ask for help
Without the help of a second reading and the addition of SparkNotes (NOT No Fear Shakespeare... I feel like that's REALLY cheating.. and I don't think SparkNotes is cheating if you aren't solely depending on their understanding but if it is a supplement to your second read of the play) I UNDERSTOOD THE PLAY!!!! Not only that, but I actually could make solid references to other characters in other plays and elements that Shakespeare had included in other plays as well.

I felt, for the first time, like a Shakespeare Uber Reader (as my professor would say). It was amazing. I felt so confident in my understanding I even participated in class. Which, may I just say, is a miracle nowadays. In high school I felt more comfortable participating in class discussions... now I'm just anxious about sounding stupid and looking like an idiot.

Following Shakespeare, we were lucky enough to hold our Memoir class outside today! I even got a smidge sunburnt on my face!

At 4:00 I attended an awesome presentation on the feasibility of a Water Taxi connecting the Twin Ports. I might have mentioned it a month or so ago, but if not there is definitely more to come.

From there, the night was average: I ate dinner, I did some homework for Wednesday, I watched HIMYM, and then we watched a movie for Sarah's Birthday. To end my wonderful Monday, I got to skype with my handsome J. We talked for an hour. It was amazingly refreshing to see him instead of having a brief phone call when we're both busy and mid-task.

Happy Birthday Sarah!! :) You're amazing!!


2 more days till I'm reunited with J!!

April 28, 2013

Canal Park

Four Days

Okay, so Hello! This weekend was amazing (weather wise) and I didn't get a chance to update until now. I'm so sorry!! It was in the 60s in Duluth for the first time since early October.. I had to go out and enjoy!

Four days until: my storytelling reading!!!

OKay, so if you don't remember, you should scroll back a few posts and find where I described the project, because it has consumed my life for the past few weeks. I am so excited for the reading! We'll be sitting up in a row with our partners and then reading four pages from the piece. The attendees will each have a copy of the book, and it's just.. really cool to see everything coming together!

At first, when I realized the reading was on a Thursday, I was kinda bummed. I knew I couldn't expect my parents to get the time off to drive up for it, and Sarah would be out of town. Basically, I knew the three people who I'd most expect to be able to come wouldn't be able to be there. Kayla was so sweet and offered to come, but her last final conflicts with the reading. When I say people I'd expect, I didn't include her because it's a 5 hour drive from Marquette. I would have been so happy had she been able to come!

Skyping with my loving JT, who was raving about the new application he has for his work where they put the schedule up, they can ask for days off, swap shifts, etc. It was the day before he could no longer request the day, so he did!! These past few weeks, I've been trying not to get too excited, knowing that they're a little short staffed, so getting days off is hard. I also didn't want to be upset with him if he couldn't make it, especially if it was work related, because it was out of his hands.

I have waited impatiently for the past few weeks, convincing myself he can't come because it'd be easier than being upset if he really couldn't come... tonight he texted me.. "I'll see you Thursday!"

I gasped. I cried. I am so happy. Not only will I have my amazing boy to share this reading with, but I also get to see my boy!!!


April 24, 2013


Well-- the past day and a half have been a whirlwind involving two lectures on confidence.

The first was last night, on the phone with my dear J. He was telling me I need to work on my confidence, because I always worry about things.. like:
- losing him
- failing
- forgetting things
- the way I look
- the way I act/talk
- the clothes I wear

It was all with good intentions. I promise.

Tonight, I took Sarah out to celebrate her birthday (which is in a few days). She gave me a confidence intervention. The past few days I have been over stressing about EVERYTHING. Nothing has been going my way... but today things turned up.

1. My American Lit Paper-- I'm pretty sure it sucked, but the girl who reviewed it said it was fine. I thought I was going to have to re-do the whole paper and turn in a final draft on Thursday.. But I realized it wasn't due until May 7.

2. My Storytelling Project Narrative-- Because our last two interviews were cancelled, I felt like my work was incomplete and didn't quite give my partner the quality story he deserved. My professor told me she thought it was powerful and that she loved it.

3. My relationship-- Long distance is messing with my head. I keep getting afraid that J will fall madly in love some other person while I'm far away. I know how stupid that is. I love him. He loves me. We are perfectly fine, and I'm just crazy.

Everything. It's far beyond just those three, but those three have been really overwhelming.

So, I need to work on that. The whole, believing in myself and trusting myself.


April 23, 2013

Fun Fact

Did you know a Tsunami COULD hit Lake Superior??? 

Tsunami are formed/generated when:
- Earthquake on subduction zone occurs
- Volcanic eruptions underwater
- Volcanic Flank collapse
- Landslides and Rockfalls
- Asteroid Impact

Lake Superior is not really near any subduction zones or volcanoes, BUT a landslide, rockfall or asteroid impact COULD cause a tsunami.

Crazy right??

I'm studying for my Natural Hazards exam... Have a good night!!


We watched the following video in class on Monday because it was relevant to our hurricane relief discussion.