April 30, 2013

Remixing Moby-Dick

If you could write a fan fiction of Moby-Dick what would you write it about? How would you modernize the text to make it more applicable to today's audiences? How would you change the story to make it more interesting?

We mused on this question today in my Methods of Lit Study class, and it was a blast!

One group suggested changing the setting to the streets of some city, and make the "White Whale" a new drug...
Another group turned the crew into a football team and Ahab into the coach (almost like a Remember the Titans angle with the interracial drama)...
Our group went a little dark.

Our group set the scene in The Pequod Memorial Mental Institution. Ahab was a Dissociative Schizophrenic  I really liked ours. It went much further into depth, but I don't really want to get into the details tonight. More to come!!!


April 29, 2013

What a Wonderful Day

You know how some days you wake up, and the day just starts perfectly? Then, as the day continues on, it for some reason doesn't suck? And then, you get to the end of the day and think, Huh... Today was kinda awesome?

That was my Monday.

I woke up at 7:30 (without help from Sarah.. which is impressive).
I went to purchase my parking pass for next week and then finished my homework for Tuesday in the coffee shop until my 9am class. Our last exams were handed back in class today, and I was happy to see that I earned an A! Then, I went to Shakespeare. This is usually where my days start to head downhill. But, it didn't.

We are reading Cymbeline in my class right now, and I was so excited about this play. This is the first play I haven't had to:
1. Read Twice
2. Read SparkNotes
3. Ask for help
Without the help of a second reading and the addition of SparkNotes (NOT No Fear Shakespeare... I feel like that's REALLY cheating.. and I don't think SparkNotes is cheating if you aren't solely depending on their understanding but if it is a supplement to your second read of the play) I UNDERSTOOD THE PLAY!!!! Not only that, but I actually could make solid references to other characters in other plays and elements that Shakespeare had included in other plays as well.

I felt, for the first time, like a Shakespeare Uber Reader (as my professor would say). It was amazing. I felt so confident in my understanding I even participated in class. Which, may I just say, is a miracle nowadays. In high school I felt more comfortable participating in class discussions... now I'm just anxious about sounding stupid and looking like an idiot.

Following Shakespeare, we were lucky enough to hold our Memoir class outside today! I even got a smidge sunburnt on my face!

At 4:00 I attended an awesome presentation on the feasibility of a Water Taxi connecting the Twin Ports. I might have mentioned it a month or so ago, but if not there is definitely more to come.

From there, the night was average: I ate dinner, I did some homework for Wednesday, I watched HIMYM, and then we watched a movie for Sarah's Birthday. To end my wonderful Monday, I got to skype with my handsome J. We talked for an hour. It was amazingly refreshing to see him instead of having a brief phone call when we're both busy and mid-task.

Happy Birthday Sarah!! :) You're amazing!!


2 more days till I'm reunited with J!!

April 28, 2013

Canal Park

Four Days

Okay, so Hello! This weekend was amazing (weather wise) and I didn't get a chance to update until now. I'm so sorry!! It was in the 60s in Duluth for the first time since early October.. I had to go out and enjoy!

Four days until: my storytelling reading!!!

OKay, so if you don't remember, you should scroll back a few posts and find where I described the project, because it has consumed my life for the past few weeks. I am so excited for the reading! We'll be sitting up in a row with our partners and then reading four pages from the piece. The attendees will each have a copy of the book, and it's just.. really cool to see everything coming together!

At first, when I realized the reading was on a Thursday, I was kinda bummed. I knew I couldn't expect my parents to get the time off to drive up for it, and Sarah would be out of town. Basically, I knew the three people who I'd most expect to be able to come wouldn't be able to be there. Kayla was so sweet and offered to come, but her last final conflicts with the reading. When I say people I'd expect, I didn't include her because it's a 5 hour drive from Marquette. I would have been so happy had she been able to come!

Skyping with my loving JT, who was raving about the new application he has for his work where they put the schedule up, they can ask for days off, swap shifts, etc. It was the day before he could no longer request the day, so he did!! These past few weeks, I've been trying not to get too excited, knowing that they're a little short staffed, so getting days off is hard. I also didn't want to be upset with him if he couldn't make it, especially if it was work related, because it was out of his hands.

I have waited impatiently for the past few weeks, convincing myself he can't come because it'd be easier than being upset if he really couldn't come... tonight he texted me.. "I'll see you Thursday!"

I gasped. I cried. I am so happy. Not only will I have my amazing boy to share this reading with, but I also get to see my boy!!!


April 24, 2013


Well-- the past day and a half have been a whirlwind involving two lectures on confidence.

The first was last night, on the phone with my dear J. He was telling me I need to work on my confidence, because I always worry about things.. like:
- losing him
- failing
- forgetting things
- the way I look
- the way I act/talk
- the clothes I wear

It was all with good intentions. I promise.

Tonight, I took Sarah out to celebrate her birthday (which is in a few days). She gave me a confidence intervention. The past few days I have been over stressing about EVERYTHING. Nothing has been going my way... but today things turned up.

1. My American Lit Paper-- I'm pretty sure it sucked, but the girl who reviewed it said it was fine. I thought I was going to have to re-do the whole paper and turn in a final draft on Thursday.. But I realized it wasn't due until May 7.

2. My Storytelling Project Narrative-- Because our last two interviews were cancelled, I felt like my work was incomplete and didn't quite give my partner the quality story he deserved. My professor told me she thought it was powerful and that she loved it.

3. My relationship-- Long distance is messing with my head. I keep getting afraid that J will fall madly in love some other person while I'm far away. I know how stupid that is. I love him. He loves me. We are perfectly fine, and I'm just crazy.

Everything. It's far beyond just those three, but those three have been really overwhelming.

So, I need to work on that. The whole, believing in myself and trusting myself.


April 23, 2013

Fun Fact

Did you know a Tsunami COULD hit Lake Superior??? 

Tsunami are formed/generated when:
- Earthquake on subduction zone occurs
- Volcanic eruptions underwater
- Volcanic Flank collapse
- Landslides and Rockfalls
- Asteroid Impact

Lake Superior is not really near any subduction zones or volcanoes, BUT a landslide, rockfall or asteroid impact COULD cause a tsunami.

Crazy right??

I'm studying for my Natural Hazards exam... Have a good night!!


We watched the following video in class on Monday because it was relevant to our hurricane relief discussion.

April 22, 2013

Something is Off

Never Ending Winter: Another 4-10 in. 4/22
You know that feeling in the pit of your stomach when something just.. feels wrong? I'm not talking indigestion or sickness.. I mean that gut feeling that something must be wrong. I'm sure you've felt it. 

I have spent all day trying to figure it out. I can't. I went through the motions of my day: Did I sleep on the wrong side? Did I wake up too quickly? Did I forget something? Did I brush my teeth left-handed instead of right? Did I tie my shoes too tight? Maybe I forgot to wear shoes at all... no.. the blister on my heel says otherwise. 

What is it? 

I couldn't tell you. But, I feel it. I feel it in my belly that there is something not right.. it's the most unsettling of feelings. It's enough to put an anxious girl to tears I tell ya. 

I struggled today. More than usual. Writing papers is a skill I have gotten pretty good at.. but if you looked at the draft of my American Lit paper.. and then you considered how long it took to even sketch out the "draft" you would be appalled. 

Honestly, I attempted to start this paper 8 times in the past week. I didn't want to leave it to tonight. I couldn't do it. I couldn't pick a piece of writing to focus on from the course.. then I couldn't decide on a theme to focus on.. then I did decide and changed my mind after a paragraph. 

After 5 hours TONIGHT: I have 3 pages written. They are sloppy. They are frantic. They are going to be shamefully turned into my peer review partner tomorrow with my pleading words "please don't judge me." 

So.. now I'm going to go to bed wearily. I wish I knew what it was.. this feeling is putting me into a funk.. and I don't like it. 

April 20, 2013

Off to Michigan!!

I go to find my car to leave for Marquette, Michigan at 11am Friday morning. It is 100% buried. Not like, two inches of snow built up all around my car. No. Try two feet of snow piled high, another foot where the drift was bad (front end) and snow up to my thighs where the plow had come through. It took two hours, a shovel, a brush, and five wonderful men to get my car out. I couldn't believe it. 

I start the drive, the roads are wet, but the sky is blue. Get past Superior and the snow begins. In Ashland (and all the way through Ironwood) there was no road. It was thick snow with small patches of wet pavement between. For 40% of the 5 hour drive, it was white out conditions, zero visibility. Crazy. I finally got into Ottawa National Forest and the roads were still absent, but the skies were clear. 

I looked to my left because I saw a giant dark blob, and when it came into focus I noticed the white head of our majestic national symbol. The Bald Eagle. It soared next to my car for about a minute, and then landed just off to the side on the snowbank far enough ahead that I was able to really appreciate it's size and beauty. A few miles down the road, a deer bolted across the road. I was nervous there might be more coming, so I slowed down. There were no cars on the road around me, so I wasn't concerned about disrupting the flow of traffic. Shortly after the deer had flown across the road, an enormous wolf chased behind. It was beautiful. Black, fluffy looking, fierce. Everything you hope a wild wolf to be. 


I made it to Marquette safely and before dark! (WOOT!) 
Kayla treated me to dinner. It was delicious. We ate at a neat Cajun Restaurant and the food was amazing! We drove around the shore for a bit and noticed the large swells coming in-- probably due to the storm system that was passing through. They were incredible. 

It's the same lake I see every day, but I am amazed by the beauty of it and the mesmerizing waves every single day. 

More adventures to come! We're off to hike, explore downtown a bit, and then have an awesome evening. :) 


The nation let out a huge sigh of relief last night as the second suspect (bomber) was finally captured in Boston. A huge thank you to all the law enforcement involved in the search. My prayers still go out to all the families and victims of the bombing, and to all the families who lost homes in the Texas explosion. Let's all just pray for a safer few weeks. 

April 18, 2013

Mother Nature Strikes Back

Welcome to Duluth, where the hills are large and the snow falls into May.

Okay, I really hope there isn't still snow in May.. that might cause me to NEVER return.. That's not true. I love Duluth in the summer. Last August we came and hunted for agates! Canal Park and the Lakewalk on a sunny/warm July afternoon = Awesome.

We are under a winter storm warning. Today, they tested the Tornado Alert System.. I shook my head at the girls walking in the halls saying "OHMYGOSH IS THERE A TORNADO RIGHT NOW??!" Girls: Check your email. Also.. Check outside. It's a snowstorm.

Tomorrow at 11:00 am, the plan is to leave this winter wonderland and head out to Michigan! I'm going to visit K! I'm pretty excited.. so long as the snow doesn't delay my trip! Meanwhile, I'll be working on homework since there's nothing else to do in the weather.


April 17, 2013

More Than Life

Whew. Hello friends. I'm in one of those rollercoaster moods-- you know.. where you're thinking about one thing and then woooosh you're thinking about another completely unrelated and completely mind altering?  It's a little heavy. This is my song of the night-- it's great.

Today was average. But, I had Jello-Cake. That was pretty exciting.


Well, I meant to write this at a reasonable hour, like nine or ten, but it's 2:30 in the morning, and I'm wide awake instead of battling the nightmares that are bound to greet me as I drift off into my usual restless sleep.

I have a few things on  my mind, so I'm going to spout 'em out.

  1. Mr. P's Big Question
  2. Boston
  3. Finals
  4. Winter Storm
  5. Michigan
Okay, so going down the line... Mr P's Big Question, for those of you clever folks (or people who pay attention) know that JTP is the boy, however, before you get too excited, I don't mean his big question... he hasn't asked one. Mr. P refers to his dad. This weekend his dad took a look at my blog. It was slightly mortifying. I kind of think of this blog as my record of experiences here at college, and I'm sure it'll evolve again into something more unified once I really figure out my life.. but as it is all up in the air, so is my focus in this blog. 
The question wasn't really that mortifying, but the inability to answer with one hundred percent sureness really was. He asked, "what is the purpose of a blog?" Not really too crazy... but I mean... what is the purpose? 
I feel like it serves a few different purposes: my blog particularly gets information about my academics, the craze of life at UMD/my life at UMD and my random spouts of outrage/excitement. I mean, I feel like because it's not specifically geared towards crafting or recipes, I don't have to have ONE purpose in mind. I don't treat this as a diary, my deepest darkest secrets aren't on here (except maybe the Cups Cover), and I try to balance (even though I struggle) to unify the topics... except for broadly as the whole: MY LIFE AS A COLLEGE KID theme. 

2. Boston. Boston is the source of my nightmares. I could not sleep last night. Everytime something bad happens, my brain goes crazy and I can't stop imagining tons and tons of dead and dying people. It happened with the shootings this past year too. You know, I found myself really looking inward thinking, Woah, God, why would you let that happen? But I reminded myself.. He didn't. God didn't cause it. We're not His puppets. He didn't pull the strings on the bomber and make it happen. He was with all the responders who went in and tried to save lives and help the victims. He was in each of our hearts as we shook our heads in frustration at yet another violent act that took the lives and changed the lives of innocent people. Bad stuff happens everywhere, and all I can do is continue praying that my family and friends stay safe. 

3. GAHHHHHH. Finals are coming. As of today (Wednesday) I have 28 days left. Roughly. There's so much to do.. I'm freaking out!!

4. Duluth is once again under a Winter Storm Warning until 4/19. We are expected to get anywhere from 4-12 inches of snow in the next two days. It is MID APRIL. I'm done with my "bring on the snow" excitement... the sunshine and melting of it today was too great to ruin by going backwards!

5. Friday I embark on a trip to Marquette, Michigan to visit Kayla! WOOT! :) 

Alright.. well, as each section grew shorter.. I realized I'm too tired to keep on even if I'm leaving it unfinished. 

April 15, 2013

A Weekend Under the Sea

I got to go home on Friday even though there was a blizzard!! 

I didn't get a chance to update since then, but as of 3pm on Thursday campus closed because of the weather, and then at 6:30am Friday, campus declared a snow day. My ride was going to leave at 11am on Friday, but because there was a break in the storm we decided to leave early (8:45am). It was great! I got home at 12:30, drove my sister's car to my dad's work, picked up MY CAR!!! (Guess what?? I got a car!), went to lunch with Jen and my mom, and then bummed around at the house for awhile until Jordan picked me up for his sister's play!

She played Flotsam in The Little Mermaid Jr. (Flotsam is one of the eels for those of you who aren't up in your Little Mermaid characters). She did an amazing job, her eel qualities were superb. I was extremely impressed. 

Following the play we (Jordan, Payton, and Mr. Parmett) went out to dinner and back to their home for some cards! I learned how to play Queens (I can't remember the real name), Go Fish! (yes, I didn't know how to play) and Crazy 8's (again, didn't know how to play). 

Saturday happened... I bought some new tennis shoes because the last pair I owned were literally falling apart from the soles and had a hole in the toes. Jordan and I went up to St. Paul and hung out with the guys. It was fun, and for the first time (only because Nate kept yelling at me) I stayed awake the WHOLE TIME!!!

I always feel bad. I love hanging out with everyone... but I am always tired on weekends. I stay up til 2 or 3 on weeknights, but I catch up on my sleep on the weekends when they aren't around to keep me up playing video games online. I'm definitely not the life of the party... I get comfy on the couch, talk for a little while, and then I crash. 

Sunday morning Jordan took me home, I said goodbye to my family, and drove back to Duluth in yet another snow storm. 

Yikes. Winter, I love you.. but your time is up. Please give way to the sun!!

April 11, 2013


I spent the last twenty minutes trying to write a sonnet... to bring this post to life... but I failed.

So.. I have realized that in the past few weeks this blog has been lacking intellect. I mean, as much as my rant on feminism (or... assumptions revolving around feminism) was very much an event that took place in my class... I feel like I did a much better job talking about my academics last year.

So.. here is what I have been learning in Shakespeare:

1. Shakespeare is a boss.

No really, he wrote SO MANY PLAYS AND SONNETS. Not only was he a great playwright, but he was also a poet. Granted, there were tons of poets who were more popular than he, like Christopher Marlowe, but still... he was pretty dang good. Venus and Adonis is really interesting. My professor called it "Educational Porn"... hence the interesting. I mean, it's not too graphic.. but he has some lines that will raise those eyebrows and cause you to think "Shakespeare you dirty man!" Or not. I did.

2. Shakespeare hates children.

Okay, maybe not all children... but pretentious kids don't last too long in plays. They always end up dead. In Richard III and Macbeth... but also in his other plays. I won't spoil them all, just in case you decide to be a Shakespeare scholar after reading this.

3. Shakespeare also hates women.

Most of the women in his plays go mad or die. Some go mad AND then they die. For example... wait. No. I should let you figure that one out too. Or not.. Can I go on a rant about Lady Macbeth for a minute? It drove me nuts that FINALLY, Shakespeare makes this badass strong female character.. and then she goes crazy and dies!! Most of the time, he gives his readers (or.. audience) the satisfaction of knowing how or why the women die... but in this one.. you hear screaming with in and then a messenger comes and says she's dead. You're left to assume that she kills herself.. because she's going mad.. but really.. you don't have a clear answer.. and then her husband.. is like... "Well... she would have died eventually.." (obviously paraphrased)... WHAT THE HECK?!!? Shakespeare.. what were you thinking???

4. Shakespeare is the king of sonnets.

Okay, at least English sonnets. They are after all named "Shakespearean Sonnets". Italian sonnets more follow the styles of some other guy.. Sir something.. and I know Dante was writing sonnets way back when... like 1200 something.. but Shakespeare was pro. He wrote 154. Thats a lot. Not to mention, they have a rhyme scheme and all that fun stuff... For real.. How did he think of all that?

That makes me sound unintelligent, I am aware.. but I truly am baffled by people who can write hundreds of poems/sonnets/short stories and then also be well known for a ton of plays... It's crazy!!

My favorite Shakespeare Sonnet is Sonnet 116. Look it up. He talks about marriage... and I know some of his sonnets were more sarcastic but.. I'd like to believe he's really meaning it..

"O no, it is an ever fixed mark
that looks on tempests and is never shaken
It is the star to every wand'ring barque"

And so on.

Alright, there ya have it. My edumacation at work.


Screw Spring!! Bring on the snow days!!

Okay, today I woke up to the sound of my apartment blowing over. Not really.. but it was really loud and whistley. Walked outside.. only to be blown over as I hoofed it to the library. Rushing through the snow, being lifted by the gusts of wind (according to NOAA: 60mph gusts) I tried to make it to the school-- the wind being knocked out of me. It was nuts.

Took my 12pm exam. Then, I went to enjoy some lunch in the food court. As I stared out into the glaring whiteness, I witnessed a poor male student blown into a pine tree. Instead of feeling bad for him, and saying "aww sad.." I laughed. Loudly. For a very long time.

Went to my 2pm class, opened up my email to see that the campus was shutting down at 3. SCORE.

Today was supposed to be a long day. 12-10pm on campus. But now, all my craziness has been postponed/cancelled. BOOYAH!

I am not complaining. Winter, so long as you don't screw up my travel plans, you may stay.

April 10, 2013

Found the solution to a crummy mood...

Time to pull out the playdoh and coloring books

I need some anger relief. Any suggestions?

I'm a tad peeved at a few things today... so in an attempt to soothe the inner-bitch, I'm watching videos from the zoo. I'm trying to think of other ways.. like maybe if I had an entire roll of bubble wrap, every time someone pissed me off POP!!! Or, a stress ball... just squeeze the crap out of it so I don't snap back at anyone.

37 days left in this town... and unfortunately, nothing is popping out right now for things I'm heartbroken to leave. Maybe I'll have some good ideas after this weekend. Yayyyy getting away for a couple days!!

April 9, 2013

I can't hear you over the sound of your Penis Power.

Today in class I was basically framed as an "Anti-Women's Rights lobbyist" because I reject the idea of burning my bra on a street corner and feel that there are better ways to demonstrate the ability of a woman to be as productive, independent and as much a citizen as a man. Basically, I was told that because I want a husband, eventually a child (maybe two), and I like to wear dresses I'm not allowed to say I stand for women's rights.

How the heck is that fair?

I still believe women should vote, should be allowed political power, should be able to own businesses and have power over their own bodies. My love for dresses should not say "Oh, well you don't have to respect me because I'm a woman." That's just stupid.

Unable to really control my annoyance, I looked at the MALE student who felt he had the right to tell me I am anti-women's rights and without much filter told him, "You have a penis! You can't sit there and tell me that you are more of a feminist than I am so long as you have the power of a penis!"  My professor smiled and the student stared at me speechless.

No, I do not want to be the first female president or the CEO of any big law firm. I don't want to be a doctor or a researcher. I may not be the most prominent display for feminism, again.. I don't stand in the street burning bras... but I still believe in women's rights and equality.

On a totally unrelated note:
Well, equality is related.. but just watch.

I'm going to see Macklemore on August 31 with Jordan and the boys. This video cracked me up.

April 8, 2013


Living Proof

These two wonderful people are living proof of a long and happy marriage. Bumpa (left) and GG (right) are the two most adorable elderly people in the entire world. Now, I might be a little biased because they are my grandparents, but seriously... look how happy they are to be married and alive!!

GG turns 90 in just over a month (quite literally a month and one day). I am so happy to have had the last twenty(ish) years to spend with her, and I am so excited for every day I have left. My grandma has Alzheimers, which makes it difficult sometimes to get myself over there. But, she's the most feisty woman I have ever met. It comes out of nowhere sometimes, her little jabs at my Bumpa (always in good fun), but they are the moments that make me happy I visited.

April 7, 2013

A Philosophical Homicidal Maniac

This weekend has been mostly devoted to Shakespeare. I've been rereading all of the introductions to our plays (and Venus and Adonis). I have been going over all of my notes several times. I made note cards of all of the important terms/people/dates/etc. from class hoping to do better on this exam tomorrow than on the last.

Average grade of the class on Exam #1:

My grade on Exam #1:

You know the sad thing, I studied for 23 hours for the exam. I practiced writing essays. I reread the plays and introductions. I failed. It wasn't even a D, or a D-. No, I actually failed it.

So, keep me in your thoughts tomorrow morning or cross your fingers or whisper a little "Good Luck".


Posted this before mentioning anything about a philosophical homicidal maniac ie: Macbeth.

There are a lot of notes about famous Shakespearean actors who have done Macbeth in different ways. Fun Fact: Lawrence Olivier was the first to actually play Macbeth as a sinister character (aka: he was the first philosophical homicidal maniac)

April 6, 2013


I have been having this terrible issue with writing my longer memoir: I can't focus on myself.
I mean, under normal circumstances, not being self-centered is a good thing. But, I feel like my story my MEMOIR should actually have something to do with myself. I mean, I talk about my parents and my sisters, but I have to really work to make myself more present in it.

Struggle of the weekend:
Complete my 20-25 page memoir.
Study for my Shakespeare Exam
Study for my Natural Hazards quiz

Ready set go.

41 days: As much as snow in April makes me sad, I love the GIANT snowball sized flakes we're getting. At least it's pretty.


April 4, 2013


Once upon a time... ew. That's the worst story-starter ever. Talk about a failed hook. Are you hooked? I hope not.. that was bad.

This is a story about being unable to tell a story.

I'm in the Storytelling Project. We're basically publishing a book of stories that are collaborations between student-writers and community members who have cerebral palsy or some other disability that prohibits them from being able to write or publish their own narratives.

My partner is this amazingly sweet man named Dustin. He was in a car accident when he was in 11th grade, and it completely changed his life. I am so fortunate to work with him. He's such a kind, caring, funny, and sweet guy that it just brightens my otherwise crazy Thursdays.

I have been struggling to write his story, struggling to find a way to insert his voice into the narrative and frankly, just how to turn our notes into a real narrative. Tonight, we made amazing progress. We managed to turn half a page of bulleted notes into almost three full pages of narrative. I'm just so excited to be a part of this project. It is one of the few things that really makes me love living here and being a student here. I really love working with him, and I love the whole concept of this project. I hope to someday be able to coordinate this project in the cities... but we'll see.

Happy Thursday!

April 3, 2013

9 Days

9 days until I go home next!!!

One thing I really like about living in Duluth is being able to GO HOME. Do you get what I mean? When I'm home... that's not something I can really get excited for. But when I'm here, I get to get excited to go home.

Cups (Cover)

So, this is my attempt at "covering" Cups.

I promised Ukulele videos, but they haven't happened yet. So, here's something I was able to learn and accomplish in the last few days. :)


April 2, 2013


Duluth: Cold. Windy. Icy.

What do I love? I love that spring is such a dirty little tease.. Not.

No, I love my professors. Today, in my Lit Theory class we had a tally going of how many times my professor said the following words:
Penis Envy (two separate words)

When talking about the psychoanalytical lense.. these words come up  A LOT. However, we're using the lense to analyze a couple chapters in Moby Dick... A Squeeze of the Hand and Cassock. Both are very sexual very interesting.. (for lack of better words) chapters.

I don't love my professor for talking about penises in class or anything as immature as that.. No, I love her because she didn't beat around the bush.. she never does. She just goes knee deep and doesn't try to censor the lesson just because there might be a few immature students who giggle. She is a really engaging teacher (not just today) and she does her job.. she teaches.

I have had professors who don't really teach.. they just talk. She doesn't just talk and command us to absorb. She works through the novel and the theories with us.

Today my mood is crabby. I have been in my bed, wrapped up in my grandma's blanket stewing about all the things that have annoyed me today. I'm going to continue doing so until it puts me to sleep.


April 1, 2013


Tonight's homework was beyond stressful. I was working on it, and the theory I was reading about was just too much to handle all at once, so I took on a challenge. I decided to learn the song When You're Gone (also called Cups). On the radio is the new version by Anna Kendrick (famously in Pitch Perfect) but it was originally done a long time ago by the Mainers Mountaineers.

It's a cool cup trick that includes clapping, patting the ground, and picking up and tapping a cup. It gets going pretty fast and then you add the words.. and I'm working on it. The video below is Anna Kendrick doing the cup trick & song on Letterman, she goes.. REALLY fast.

Today, I can't tell you anything I love about Duluth.. as, right now.. It's making me pretty mad. I swear, it is smiting me for sending home my winter gear with my parents this weekend. So, it dropped from the gorgeous 50's to 15 degrees today.

Thanks Duluth, I'm gonna miss you too.
